Graphic Design & BRAND Management • ESt 1985
Our studio worked with the State of Hawai’i, Ocean Resources Branch, in branding the Hawaii Seafood Promotions Campaign (1987-2007). The State’s goal was to position Hawaii as a culinary destination, similar to how Paris was branded in the 1960s. The campaign won numerous design awards and was featured in several graphic design books and publications.
The success of this 20-year campaign was especially gratifying because of the positive economic impact it made on Hawaii's fishing, seafood and visitor industries.
Our studio worked with the State of Hawai’i, Ocean Resources Branch, in branding the Hawaii Seafood Promotions Campaign (1987-2007). The State’s goal was to position Hawaii as a culinary destination, similar to how Paris was branded in the 1960s. The campaign won numerous design awards and was featured in several graphic design books and publications.
The success of this 20-year campaign was especially gratifying because of the positive economic impact it made on Hawaii's fishing, seafood and visitor industries.
Hawaii Seafood Logo
Hawaii Seafood Poster (24" x 36")
The Hawaii Seafood poster was originally designed in 1990 for the State's Ocean Resources Branch. The poster was so successful it was reprinted more than a dozen times over the course of 25 years. If you are interested in obtaining a poster, please contact the Hawaii Seafood Council at www.hawaii-seafood.org.
Hawaii Seafood Promotions Campaign (1987-2007)
Bilingual recipe cards designed for the Hawaii Seafood Promotions campaign. These were done in French, German, Italian and Spanish to promote Hawaii's seafood in Europe. Recipes were created by top local chefs and professionally photographed by Errol de Silva. An emphasis was placed on using professional photography throughout the campaign which lasted 20 years (1987–2007).